Did you know

 Here are some interesting facts and tips about your surfaces…

A myth circulating the internet that granite emits dangerous levels of radon is totally unsubstantiated, and you can rest assured you have nothing to worry about. The truth is, any natural type of rock, stone, mineral or sand could emit radon, but the levels are so minuscule that even the EPA has called radon entering the home from granite "extremely unlikely." In fact, the levels are so little, if any, there is no instrument known to man that could measure it. Consumers have come to realize that the claim is unwarranted, and granite, with its durability and elegance, continues to be a smart countertop of choice.
When choosing a granite for the kitchen, you need to be sure your granite is not mixed with calcite, the main component of marble and limestone. Bring home samples of possible winners for your new countertop and do the lemon juice and oil test.

The Lemon Juice and Oil Test

Dust your samples thoroughly, then spill a few drops of lemon juice and cooking oil on each one of them. If you notice that where the juice and the oil hit the stone its surface turns dark almost immediately, dump them. If you notice that the juice and the oil take a little time to get absorbed (a half a minute or better), then you have a stone whose absorbency can be effectively controlled with a good-quality impregnating sealer. If you notice that some samples will not absorb anything within, say, half an hour or so, this may be your stone or stones. It may not even need to be sealed. Now wipe the spills up. If there’s even a little calcite in the stone, it will react to the high acidity of the lemon juice (citric acid) and, when you wipe your spills dry, you will notice a dull spot the same shape as the drops of lemon juice. That means they can be eliminated as kitchen friendly as well. If the stone is still nice and shiny where the drops were, you have a winner.
Here is a quick way to check if your granite countertops need to be resealed. Pour a few drops of water on an area then let it sit for 30 seconds or so before wiping the water away. If the area remains dark for more than a second or two, indicating the water was absorbed into the stone, it's time to be resealed. Be sure to check in more used areas.